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L'ABÎME @ L'OFF Jazz de Montréal


Sunday, October 9, 2022
MTL Improv / St-Henri Jazz Club (3716 Notre-Dame Street West)
  • $0: Free admission

L’abîme presents a dreamlike universe, a cinematic adventure suspended in time. Like a dive through the abyss. The band’s original sound is rooted in modern jazz, with strong influences from rock and contemporary classical music (Messiaen). Given its jazz nature, L’abîme gives free rein to the musicians’ expression, and the band’s personality emerges during the improvisation segments, which are always lively and deep.

Album Launch
Grand Prix Jazz TD 2018 FIJM – L’Abîme

Jonathan Turgeon - Composition, piano
Hugo Blouin - Double bass
Jean-Philippe Godbout - Drums
Alex Dodier - Saxophones, flute
Gabriel Genest - Tenor saxophone, clarinets

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